Lets Go To Fulgora

Lets go to Fulgora and get some nice tech. Mech Armor, Quality Modules, Recyclers and awesome tech for the personal grid.

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Quality Production in a nutshell

There is a lot of confusion about how the quality mechanic works in Factorio: SA. While the original FFF post did a good job explaining the benefits of quality materials, I still see many people unsure or confused about how producing quality goods works. Some information is scattered beyond the original FFF post, as various clarifications have been posted in comments and Discord messages. So let this be an attempt to explain the mechanics of producing quality items in one place.

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Your First Space Platform

To create your first [Space Platform](https://wiki.factorio.com/Space_platform) can be created after sending a rocket with a [Space Platform Starter Kit](https://wiki.factorio.com/Space_platform_starter_pack) to space.

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Factorio Space Age Let's Automate

Cover image  Factorio

Factorio Space Age is here, and it's awesome! It took me a while to find time to start playing, but it was worth the wait. Some things have changed, but many features are fantastic, and the developers at WUBE did an amazing job.

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