
Github Webhooks are not as easy. Redelivering them, seems to not work. - Update: Using the correct secret makes a bit difference!

Installed a new tiddlywiki for my journaling. Trying to move stuff over from Day One. The pitty is, that I then do not have a nice app on my smartphone anymore. I want to move away from propriatry apps more and more and use more open source software. I know, I am still using a Mac but that is just because the damn thing just works.


I DID IT!- Verify you’re human by killing at least 3 enemies in nightmare mode. https://doom-captcha.vercel.app/

Boss asked me “what are we doing about Russians exploiting 0days in AI” - Meanwhile our servers are on Ubuntu 14, our SRE team quit, IT is pasting bash scripts into the JAMF editor untested, and the CFO has a 2-star chrome extension to make gmail’s font comic sans.

Awesome List of Cybersecurity and AI Repo by Kris Oosthoek of background reading accompanying his talk “AI in Offensive and Defensive Cyber” at the 2024 One Conference in The Hague. Topics: attacking AI systems, public policy, frameworks, using AI for defense/offense, academic papers, and more.


38C3: Illegal Instructions

The 38th Chaos Communication Congress (38C3) 2024 videos are now available! They cover a wide range of topics, including hacking vulnerabilities, hardware modifications, artificial intelligence, and resistance against authoritative control. C3 offers a unique blend of technical and unconventional subjects that are not typically found at standard conferences. It is reputed to be an exceptional experience in person, although I have not had the opportunity to attend yet.