
11:38 — I believe we have found a good successor for Jens Stoltenberg: Dutch Prime Minister Rutte elected as new Secretary General

The NATO has officially appointed the outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Rutte as the new Secretary General. The ambassadors of the 32 member states accepted the nomination of the 57-year-old at a meeting of the North Atlantic Council.

08:00 — Today: Sunny at +28(30) °C - ↘ 11 km/h wind - 10 km visibility with 0.0 mm precipitation.


06:40 — Today: Sunny weather Partly sunny at 24(25)°C, gentle breeze from 13 km/h, 10 km visibility, no rain!

11:37 — Regarding Backup: The 3-2-1 Backup Strategy

08:22 — It was time too: WikiLeaks founder Assange on the way to freedom.

Also fitting is an episode from the 11KM Podcast: Audio Assange: Leaked and delivered?

Tags: #Assange #Tagesschau #Podcast


17:00 — If you have the money and the actors are on board, why not? The middle east awaits you in The Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made


08:11 — Looks very promising:

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