17:56 — For 43 years, the CDU has held the chancellorship in Germany for 32 of those years. The Greens have done so for exactly zero. But it’s always the Greens’ fault when things go wrong in Germany. More than half of Germans believe this nonsense.
20:19 — The Turkish parliament approves Sweden’s membership of NATO. The vote leaves Hungary as the only country still to ratify an application made in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Thumbs Up!
10:54 — Google’s Circle to Search makes it easier to find information on your phone. You can select an item on the screen and search for it immediately. It would be cool if Apple and others followed suit. TheVerge #Apple #Google #Search
10:44 — Last year, Apple finally overtook Samsung in global smartphone sales. Despite a general market decline, Apple’s shipments rose 3.7 percent, while those of Samsung fell significantly by over 13 percent, contributing to Apple’s lead. That’s my surprised face. Macworld #Apple #MarketPower #Samsung
21:41 — Let yourself be consciously distracted from work every 15 to 40 minutes by bird chirping, cricket chirping or leaf rustling. Listen, take a deep breath and continue working with new energy afterwards!
11:40 — Goodbye Tom Scott! Thank you very much for all the great and interesting videos! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DKv5H5Frt0
12:22 — I wish you all a fulfilling and enriching new year. May you learn something new and rediscover something or someone. May 2024 be the year we step on Nazis. Taken from here.