19:27 — Who thought a trip with OceanGate was expensive can look into Life At Sea Cruises. There is for just over 230,000 Euros a three-year bucket list trip in an inside cabin available. At least there is StarLink internet and an all-inclusive buffet included.
17:18 — I think I’ve found my new bike. The Tenways CGO600 Pro looks great and has high-quality components, is lightweight and compared to other pedelecs really affordable.
16:29 — More than half a million people have left the Catholic Church in the past year. Last year it was just under 400,000, and I’m not surprised at all. The way the church authorities behave is to blame. #Church
14:14 — The summer is already quite something. As a distraction, we cycled today a large round towards Delft. There we handed over the CO2 bottle in the aquarium shop and cycled straight to the brewery to drink a delicious Delft beer and have a snack. A nice afternoon with plenty of sunshine, to recharge the batteries.
09:55 — Ever had a chat with Jesus? Or with Donald Trump, Jimi Hendrix or Tony Soprano? No problem, you can let your verbal flow run wild on https://thecleverest.com/bot.
13:00 — Small update on climate conspiracies. There was a approximately 30-minute contribution to that in Deutschlandfunk Kultur. DLF: Conspiracy narratives dangerous climate myths #Klimawandel #Climatechange #Conspiracytheories
20:23 — There’s a longer report about Prigozhin and whether he can be dangerous to Putin on Tagesschau [tagesschau]. Although it’s from January 2023, you learn some background information on Wagner’s mobilization.
11:23 — Pretty amazing: A Redditor creates working anime QR codes using Stable Diffusion. The QR codes look like hand-painted pictures. Beautiful designs and yet they can be read with iPhones and Android phones.
08:40 — The Frost - a DALL-E2 generated movie
08:25 — In January 2009 Bitcoin was invented. And now, more than 14 years later, even the Sparkassen want to join in? A bit late, or? It’s not as if German banks and indeed German companies have been sleeping through any trends.
22:01 — How I imagined the future to be: While a robot cleans my apartment, I paint pictures and write poetry.
How this “future” really is: Robots paint pictures and write poetry, while I still clean my apartment.
08:15 — In Italy, 21 people were celebrating on a boat. However, then a storm arises and the boat sinks. A tragic accident. But in retrospect, it turns out that the skipper speaks fluent Bulgarian, is married to a Russian woman, and 13 of the passengers worked or had worked for the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad. This raises one or two questions, doesn’t it? mehr