
14:52 — On a sunny day we were playing minigolf. With the nice weather we had a lot of fun. Unfortunately, we had to wait sometimes for a long time because many people played and not all managed the tracks quickly and with few swings. Who manages it once to come to Winterberg should not miss the Adventuregolf course. Here you can spend beautiful 2-3 hours.


21:00 — If you want to prevent cargo new from creating .git directories within newly created packages, do the following. #rust-lang

Either add the parameter --vcs none to cargo new: cargo new <name> --vcs none

or globally, then you must add the following to your cargo configuration (typically ~/.cargo/config.toml, other options are also valid):

vcs = "none"



07:44 — The good news of the day: The EU has imposed a record fine on Facebook’s parent company Meta for passing user data to the US. Meta is also being urged to stop transferring the data. mehr


12:04 — Imagine if people under 30 only consumed one TV channel. Would we feel comfortable if this channel was controlled by the Communist Party of China? Would you like that? Why some countries ban TikTok


19:32 — OpenAI has released ChatGPT for iOS. Introducing the ChatGPT app for iOS. The ChatGPT app syncs your conversations, supports voice input, and brings our latest model improvements to your fingertips. - Nice!

17:53 — Kharkiv - a city that has been attacked and partially destroyed, only to be rebuilt by its residents. A beautiful story of how the people there coped with the challenges of war.

THE WAR IN UKRAINE - How Russia’s invasion transformed one Ukrainian city vox.com


16:51 — This type has a sequence of ~230,000 button presses which can almost always defeat Pokémon. To be honest, that was simply unbelievable. I didn’t expect to see it all the way through, but somehow it held my attention. There are so many random sources in Pokémon that he knew how to use cleverly. A masterpiece.


17:24 — Sometimes you don’t feel like writing, and sometimes you just want to jot down everything that’s streaming across the screen. But you don’t always have that kind of time.

By the way, writing: My collection of Ukraine texts and images is now really scattered everywhere. Apple Notes, Bear.app, TiddlyWiki, and now here too. Not to mention all the emails and bookmarks and so on that are also still there. Someday maybe I’ll find the time to sort out all these data.


20:22 — When looking at all the videos and reports from Ukraine, especially those written by Russian war bloggers, one can only shake one’s head. It is again and again interesting to see how differently things can be perceived. The Russians continue to celebrate unachieved but according to their reality secure successes, while hundreds of Russian soldiers die every day who are intentionally sent into battle without equipment or with bad equipment.


10:24 — Not bad at all: After Cooking - A Name I Don’t Know (Techno meets garbage)


15:12 — Who does ChatGPT learn from? - The world is fascinated and shocked by new language programs like ChatGPT. The tools scan millions of web pages to communicate with us. But where does ChatGPT get its words from in the first place? To filter out the sites from which the artificial intelligence learns, The Washington Post dug deep into the data. If you want to know if your own pages are included, you can search for them in the article.


17:11 — Edward Snowden said it best: “Arguing that you don’t care about privacy because you have nothing to hide, is like arguing that you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say.” #data protection #free speech #privacy


14:46 — Network fund: MacOS Cursors more

09:28 — A beautiful good morning to you. Today is May 1st and aside from the demonstrations and May riots, today sees the launch of the €49 ticket. The ticket aims to encourage motorists to switch to buses and trains. Let’s hope it really sells more than 15 million tickets. more