
09:53 — I have ordered a book: The One True Factscheckbook - I had it ordered and hoped that it would be sent to my address in Germany after Easter. Unfortunately, that was not the case :-(. Now it will take another few weeks until we are home again and I can read it. https://shop.correctiv.org/Das-einzig-wahre-Faktencheckbuch/SW10105


16:44 — Regarding Chat Control. Correctiv has published a new fact-check: No, Nancy Faeser did not approve the monitoring of any kind of online communication. Their fact-checks are worth taking a look at. #correctiv #factcheck

16:35 — Crowdfunding: Open Assistant Conversational AI for all. We believe we can create something Revolutionary. Just as Stable Diffusion has enabled the creation of art and images in a new way, we want to improve the world by providing an excellent conversational AI. #aiforeveryone #netzfund #openassistant


20:30 — Note to myself: At the end of April 2023, it was almost 39°C in Spain! Who can still convincingly tell me that climate change is not man-made and doesn’t exist! #April #Kachelmannwetter #ClimateChange #Spain #Temperature


13:01 — Who are the biggest sinners in terms of data protection? 🏆 Check out the BigBrothersAwards on Friday, April 28. The “Oscars for data dumpers” organized by EDRi-member Digitalcourage also offer a live stream in German and English ➡️ https://bigbrotherawards.de/en/2023 #BigBrotherAwards #Data protection #Datenschleudern #Digitalcourage


21:28 — While watching the ZDFheute Nachrichten, I stumbled upon this. The organizational plan for such a department is not even that large. Organizational Plan https://www.bmvg.de/resource/blob/11902/dcc77335c5f1ac678800c333ecc9c9b8/download-organigramm-data.pdf


19:24 — Well, apart from the beautiful start, not much has remained. Elon Musk’s 120-meter-tall Starship rocket system - the world’s largest rocket - exploded when its propulsion stage was supposed to separate from the spacecraft. https://www.dw.com/de/starship-riesenrakete-explodiert-nach-dem-start/a-65389187

08:21 — Pixel Perfect is a cool little app that accurately displays text and graphics from iOS apps when run on macOS. With this app, fuzzy and too-small text are a thing of the past. It’s compatible with macOS Ventura, macOS Monterey, and macOS Big Sur. github


15:16 — Do you have an Amazon Ring doorbell? Maybe it’s time to look into something new: Amazon Ring: even home recordings aren’t safe from police.