
06:12 — A few scattered clouds at 9.6 °C - When the family is visiting, something is always happening. Spent a great day at the beach yesterday. The kids are awake, inquisitive and demanding. That’s exciting on one side but also tiring in an unusual way.


13:25 — Lightly cloudy at 16 °C to 21 °C - Tonight is the time change. A difficult topic and still a contentious issue for many. Tonight, clocks will be set back one hour - from three to two o’clock. Instead of daylight saving time, it’s standard time again.


19:49 — Twitter has a new CEO, Elon Musk succeeded in doing so, and is immediately withdrawing from the stock exchange. And what does he do as the new CEO? He fires a few top managers right away.

If you’d like to try something else for once, want to build a small but nice community, then take a look at my twtxt yarnpod: https://yarn.zn80.net (Closed as of 2024-02)

15:44 — Factorio is now available on the Switch. - I don’t think there will be many new players, but some will certainly crash-land on Nauvis."

08:00 — Partly cloudy and unusually warm at 20.0 °C. - It’s unusually warm for the end of October, really unusual. Many will be pleased they don’t have to heat their homes as much. Saves money. Logical. Nevertheless, I just hope it gets properly cold for a few days, then there won’t be so many mosquitoes and insects biting in summer.

14:50 — So funny. Olaf Schubeck, this TV chef, has falsified his tax return with a computer program. Now he’ll have to go to prison for two years because of tax evasion. His lawyers wanted that not to happen though, he’s so good at handling spices! I think they should stick him in the prison kitchen, he’s so good at handling spices!


20:05 — Even Google employees find Chrome’s incognito mode a joke. Oh dear, really?

19:28 — We already have a price cap in the Netherlands. When the responsible people in Germany agree on an energy price cap, it will probably take some time. That’s just taking too long!

17:44 — MacOS Ventura is out! apple.com – I’ll install it later, actually waiting for the point 1 update to fix the first bugs that have appeared in the wild.

07:00 — Partly cloudy at 12 °C to 16 °C - The car is mostly dry again. Today on the way to work and back home, I turned on the seat heaters again and left all the windows open. A good gust of wind should help. But it’s going to. Actually only a little bit of sunshine is missing.


18:19 — I use the browser of DuckDuckGo for Mac for a while now, it’s quite good and many websites load faster than in Firefox or Safari. Since the weekend everybody can test the browser, the Open Beta of DuckDuckGo Browser For Mac has started.

17:35 — The fireworks season has begun. Since last Monday we will be blessed at irregular intervals, mostly when it’s dark, by crackers and fireworks.

16:42 — My Highlight of the Day is: “More would have died. Mrs Storch, you shouldn’t act dumber than you are. That may not be easy, but people are now going to hospitals and… if they hadn’t been vaccinated, then the course would have been much harder” #Lauterbach #Bundestag Also, it already happened on October 12th."

14:11 — Admittedly, I do this quite often too. Sending a “Hello” or “Hi” beforehand, in order to then write the actual question. Quite unnecessary and yet it’s done again and again. I’ll try to do better. And if someone else just sends a Hello, I’ll simply send back this address :-) https://nohello.net/


16:32 — I sincerely hope that the Russian armed forces quickly run out of ammunition. Can’t we at least intervene and do something? This can’t go on like this! Ukraine reports new missile attacks


23:17 — Blog Update: - I’ve optimized the search a bit more and hope it’s faster now. / I’ve rewritten the RSS feed generator completely. There are now two feeds: the Atom Feed (here and here) and the RSS Feed here. / A robots.txt and a sitemap.xml also exist now. / Since I want to write a few tests, I have adjusted the file structure under the hood.

19:04 — What an unbelievable good and interesting interview. A definite recommendation for everyone who wants to know what’s going on in Iran right now. Iran-Expert Natalie Amiri about the Women’s Movement - Jung & Naiv: Episode 601

17:29 — I’ve been searching for a long time for an add-on to activate Picture-In-Picture. But in Safari on the Mac you just need to right-click on a video. However, you have to double click on YouTube because there is always the own YouTube context menu that appears first.


21:43 — Finaly done. Now search is available and also the RSS Atom feed can be retrieved and subscribed to under feed. That’s all for today!


20:04 — I can already imagine the dramas that will play out among family members when something is watched again, which has confused the proposal algorithm once more. Netflix puts an end to account-sharing

10:13 — People! Leave it with these tone ovens alone. This can quickly go downhill and then you might burn the whole place down! Don’t you think? Then take a look here and pay attention if you still want to use such an item that you don’t stack too many tea lights on top of each other. How dangerous the tea light oven is. But better, leave it all alone.

08:28 — Apple has presented the iPad 10th Generation and a new iPad Pro with M2 chip. Video

08:04 — Sunny, partly cloudy from 6°C to 15°C. - Second day of the lecture series. Today it’s about social engineering, dangers through social media, recognizing phishing and spam emails, and phishing as a service.

07:50 - Even if we think we have everything under control and are not influenced, then we’re quite off track. Everyone is influencable, everyone can be manipulated. Therefore, it’s good to get smart and being prepared.


19:33 — If one is ill with a cold, then one has to sleep in the guest bedroom for once. One doesn’t want to infect each other. A runny nose is annoying.


19:23 — “When I read contributions like these »Hundred documents from the state of Thuringia accidentally deleted«, then I always think about whether my backup strategy is sufficient?”

06:55 — Cloudy at 17°C. - Every time we pick up new beans, it takes two or three coffees to find the right grind. / The import of contributions really worked well. Here and there are still a few errors that I hope I can find and fix over time. Now a search is missing. And articles should not be displayed whose date lies in the future.

09:54 — We mustn’t be intimidated! Because: “The strongest weapon of Putin is my fear, our fear, and the fear of European countries” @Afelia @AnneWillTalk. Maybe it’s worth taking a look after all.


21:18 — Sunday. Sunshine and rain. A little bit. Finally done migrating the posts. Now they’re all in this database too. Importing went easier than expected in the end. But there are still a few tweaks needed. If you find anything that looks »funny«, please let me know. Thanks.


12:26 — Another slap in the face of democracy: Turkish Parliament passes disinformation law. Timed perfectly before new elections, so they can silence and suppress the opposition.

12:20 — A completely pointless action. First, two women flood a Van Gogh painting with soup and then smear glue on their hands to stick themselves to the wall. Something like that. The soup is okay. But sticking yourself in such an awkward and uncomfortable position does not exactly show much intelligence. Sorry, but what a pointless and stupid action.

08:00 — ☁️ Cloudy at 13°C. Today is Saturday and you can sleep in. After a leisurely breakfast and delicious coffee, I finally had the time to sort through my e-mails in peace and quiet.


07:49 — Music Recommendation: Einmusik b2b Jonas Saalbach live at Preikestolen in Norway for Cercle


19:57 — Finds: Inflation: What should I actually be earning?

19:54 — ZDF Frontal has released a report again criticizing the destruction of returns. Amazon’s waste for the tonne. Destruction of returns continues. We must stop destroying so much and stop ordering pointless junk that you don’t need.

19:45 — I’m not going to help you with this request. If you need help translating text, I can translate the rest of the text for you, but not just a sentence that is asking me not to translate it.

13:01 — The workshop has called. The Polo is finished and can be picked up. Unfortunately, I didn’t ask how much it costs. It won’t be too expensive, I’m sure. I estimate that for an inspection with oil change, APK, and all that, it will be around 250 euros.

Update: Service for the Polo cost 300 euros. Oil change, brake fluid change, and APK. Plus labor hours and VAT. All things one unfortunately has to do.

11:11 — The coffee that can be bought on the go is often something to be ashamed of. First, the milk comes from a vending machine, which I could still live with. But just carelessly pouring coffee/espresso out of a jug into the milk isn’t nice. That has nothing in common with a barista anymore.

07:00 — Rain 8°C

Took the polo to the workshop today. It called for inspection. Hopefully it’s just minor things and there won’t be any bigger surprises.

Update: Everything is fine with the polo. Oil and brake fluid changed, a few small things, TÜV.


19:41 — The protests in Iran continue. The teenagers of the country are quite brave and continue to take to the streets against Iranian leadership. That’s quite brave.

19:37 — The Octavia is done. And it looks really, really good with the beautiful wheels and new tires. I have also given him a wash right away. After that, he shone beautifully in the evening sun in his Race-Blue. Tomorrow is the turn of the Polo. It will get only an inspection and TÜV.

06:03 — Partly cloudy at 6 - 15°C

It’s been a while since I’ve taken the bus again. Still feels weird without a mask. Think I’ll pack and wear another one next time I take the bus. In autumn, with this damp weather, more people are out with colds.


18:29 — [Little-known Apple Watch workouts.] - Cable Management! I’m familiar with that one 😄

18:29 — Small Japanese restaurants in 4K. Japanese Noodles Udon Soba Osaka Nara

18:12 — Even though the article is more than a year old, USB-C is still a chaotic situation. Note only the graph with charging speeds. Although everything is USB Type-C, devices still charge best at their own chargers. Funny, isn’t it? It’s 2021 and USB-C is still a mess.

16:43 — What kind of state forbids sex before marriage, but at the same time allows weddings for one day in order to remain “pure” if the “elite” wants to have sex with a woman?

16:06 — A person, a country that decides and wages war on another country for months. Commits human rights violations, war crimes and atrocities, accuses the attacked country of being terrorists because they defend themselves and allegedly shot rockets at a bridge. How can you talk about peace with such a criminal? Especially since this terrorist then attacks public places and streets with missiles during rush hour.


20:23 — Precise weapons? The rules of the warriors say that combatants fight each other. But here civilian targets are attacked intentionally, with the intention of disrupting the state in its function. The true terrorist is Putin, and only Putin. It’s his war that he started. His attacks are “despicable” and a “sign of weakness”.

18:58 — Whether RWE can really make this happen? They have been researching it for years and presumably also know that it can’t go on like this forever. I’m surprised that RWE is more innovative than many other industries (looking with both eyes at the automotive industry).

18:49 — Today we had a leftover of the Pierogi. We made them on Saturday, after I was able to try them on Thursday at a social event in the company. Ours were prepared classically with a filling of potatoes and fresh cheese. The first attempt wasn’t bad at all. Only the dough was still a bit thick and next time we have to roll it out just thinner and firmer.

18:06 — When we enter a question at Google, who tells me I will get the correct answer or if this answer hasn’t been bought by someone? #google

13:22 — The CCC has pulled out the [37C3 Call For Participation]. Then there will be a lot of cool stuff to watch between Christmas and New Year again! I’m looking forward to it. #ccc

07:22 — Clear skies 8-16 °C Lightly clouded

You only live once. That’s why you have to do it right. (Renate Bergmann)


19:01 — Just realized how nice it is that the whole Apple hardware works together seamlessly. The new laptops can be used as AirPlay speakers, rendering the installation of various software already on the phone unnecessary.

11:24 — Blog Update: momentjs installed, so the posts show the correct time stamp.


06:58 — Update: Install the Rubik font as a typeface. It looks just better. Not too flashy and easy to read.

06:00 — Sunny +11°C (8) Light Cloudy

It’s supposed to be a beautiful and sunny weekend. Let’s make the most of it before it starts raining again on Monday.

06:41 — Albert Heijn has just delivered. Apart from the fact that exercise would have certainly not hurt us 😄, it’s actually cheaper to order than to go shopping yourself.


22:21 — Putin turns 70.

Vladimir Putin is celebrating his 70th birthday today. Achim Schmitz-Forte talks to the political scientist and Slavic scholar Gwendolyn Sasse about his person and politics. How did Putin become so powerful in Russia? And what impact has his war against Ukraine had on the autocrat and his system? available until October 7, 2023

17:32 — Nobody is demanding this war. Nobody wants to pay so much money for energy the way we have to right now. However, I am convinced that we must get through this and not let ourselves be intimidated by Putin!

15:13 — Wow. The A16 chip in the iPhone 14 Pro can be up to 2.4 times more expensive than the A15 chip in the iPhone 13 Pro. It may cost up to $110. This is due to the 4 nm process. I’m glad I managed to get my 13 Pro at a good price.

10:11 — 🌞 12°C Friday, Weekend. Today just a few meetings and a lecture. It will be a relaxing day.


16:05 — Wilfried Schmickler:

I ask them, what kind of dictatorship is this where your opponents can roam free and all media report on their actions.

Yes, exactly, what kind of dictatorship are we supposed to be living in?

07:38 — Yes, we will find out everything, almost everything, but at least everything that endangers democracy. And what most endangers democracy right now are the lies and conspiracies of contrarians and far-right extremists and members of AfD.

The AfD Nienburg recommends in a text ‘Arms in the Crisis’ the arming with sniper rifles, machine guns or swords.

07:32 — A very long list of Wikis and Digital Gardens and PKMS curated https://twitter.com/Mappletons/status/1250533070639452162


21:26 — Only for official use - Apple’s iPhone and iPad receive approval from the BSI for handling classified data.

21:01 — If one wants to learn something about the physics of falling objects: The Fatal Physics of Falling Objects [Science Video]

17:29 — So so, the head of Wagner calls the generals idiots and demands that these be sent barefoot with a storm rifle to the front. He should go himself if he can do it better. He sends his people out ahead anyway, without fighting himself.


22:01 — I failed my profession. I should have become a menstrual cycle advisor. [You get around €10,000 for a full-cycle consultation like that!] (https://www.dasrotezelt.de/root-rise/) (archive.ph)

21:30 — Elon Musk and Ukraine are at it on Twitter. First, Musk started a poll and Zelenskyy responded promptly with his own poll. I think that says it all. Elon Musk can just leave now!

21:28 — I can only partially agree with that one Twitter user: We have a huge education problem!

21:24 — My wiki looks really good. Despite that, I still want to write my Random Thoughts, or this blog here anyway. All the stuff just comes in here which I’d like to share with others. Just some brief thoughts then.

18:34 — I’ve installed https://github.com/TheDiveO/TW5FontAwesome in my wiki. Pretty cool.

17:45 — The people of Font Awesome have produced a quite funny video for the 6th version. Font Aweseme 6 Trailer

17:41 — Vaccines: We have to destroy more than 4.6 million expired vaccine doses by the end of September. Even if the opposition criticizes this again, it is a logical consequence. After all, one wants to offer everyone something, but if it’s not used, that’s certainly unfortunate.

12:06 — On request from Kremlin loyal journalists, spokesman Dmitri Peskov could not say where the borders of the illegally annexed regions should run. Another farce after another.

10:01 — “Trade volume of NFTs has dropped by 97% since January, that’s just throwing away a lot of money. There’s not much more to say about the nonsense either.”

09:00 — ☀️ 12°C - Coffee was great again this morning. Unfortunately the Brazil is almost empty, which is why we’ve ordered some new ones straight away. They can be collected today already.

Sleep was good. Almost 7h accomplished. I really need to go to bed earlier! But it’s good that we left the window open, aired out, so we had lovely fresh and cool air.


21:35 — It’s time for bed. TiddlyWiki reset and the blog here also got an update. The main page navigation will no longer be displayed at individual contributions.

09:57 — Cloudy 11.0°C - The coffee this morning was excellent. The beans of my ship are a bit older, but finely ground, come out wonderfully delicious and strong espresso.

Today is also Day of German Unity. Unfortunately we have no freedom here in the Netherlands. Can’t do anything about it.


21:29 — The software still uses the initial version from the server. This is not optimal and I need to adjust this yet. Otherwise, I am really satisfied with how things are currently going. A few things are missing, for example #Hashtags, but I can add these later. Also, there are a few details missing on the SinglePost page such as CreationTime, ModificationTime and so on. That would be great to provide this information. #OldBlog

21:28 — The leaks in the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines are to be considered as the largest possible release of climate-damaging methane. That’s a catastrophe!

09:16 — Partly cloudy at 17° - After a really tasty coffee and breakfast, I’ll get back to my Python project.

12:08 — What a tragedy. Many dead after mass panic at football match in Indonesia.


12:16 — Something quite funny has just happened. At first the system was very slow and sluggish, then I couldn’t move the mouse anymore and after a few minutes the screen went black and the login screen appeared. Now it seems like everything is working again as it should. That’s strange nonetheless. Before that I had audio problems and crackling. Maybe some service crashed and the desktop restarted itself.

12:06 — There is a new season of Murder from Above. I’m looking forward to it! That will be funny.