
14:35 — Taken to the aquarium trade to have the CO2 bottle refilled. It’s quite warm in here. Unfortunately, the one who held the door for me also has a bigger problem. It also seems that only one employee is there. So it means waiting.

09:58 — A few days ago I had written that I wanted to slow down a bit on everything. As soon as you stop wanting to be perfect at all things, life feels much more perfect. However, I’m not quite there yet and my tendency towards perfection in some things already drives other people mad.

07:58 — The matter at hand: “Of burning interest usually remains nothing but ashes — unknown”

07:20 — Rain and sun at 8°C.

Rent is due today. We’ve saved a bit and now still have the rent for next month on our account at the end of the current month. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for many people, since there’s often still a lot of month left at the end of their money.


21:57 — Google has sent Stadia to the graveyard of canceled services. I was already wondering why Google waited so long to pull the plug (techspot). Another service that Google couldn’t successfully market.

15:59 — It’s quite astonishing that these TV billboards are still everywhere. They must consume an enormous amount of electricity, right? Assuming the screen requires 1000W per panel. Those are also pretty bright LEDs intended to be visible during daylight hours, so that’s 2KW or 48KW per day. What a waste!"

10:54 — Dries Depoorter, a Belgian artist, has created an impressive project with The Follower. Using AI and publicly accessible webcams, he was able to find the creation process of Instagram photos. His software finds a fitting photo on Instagram within a video clip. Quite cool, but it again convinced me not to share any pictures of myself in social media.


21:40 — The first version of the new blog software is online. Here you can already try out how it works, in the wild. However, RSS feeds and a few other things are still missing before I can publish the whole project.


09:13 — Rain, rain, rain at a maximum of 11°C - It’s really quite wet outside. And dark! One wonders whether one shouldn’t rather stay under the warm blanket.

18:15 — That’s overwhelming and astonishing. The Tripitaka Koreana - carved on 81,258 woodblocks in the 13th century - is the most successful large data transfer over time yet achieved by humankind. 52 million characters of information, transmitted over nearly 8 centuries with zero data loss


21:58 — A quiet Sunday. Played my favorite game Factorio completely relaxed. I’m still missing the challenge of a Mega Base with more than 1000 science packs. So far, I’ve only managed 90 per minute. ALso tried calling relatives and acquaintances. Not everyone answered their phone. Too bad. I’d love to catch up with some of them again. I’ll try it again tomorrow instead.


11:28 — Rain showers from top to bottom at 14°C - Already gotten quite wet this morning while getting bread.

13:05 - One of my favorite add-ons, I don’t care about cookies, has been purchased by Avast. Hopefully that won’t backfire.