16:50 — I could have already written many words to those who still think it should be a right to carry a weapon. But they are all not nice and therefore I’m keeping them to myself. I think you understand that.
10:20 — A short BBC documentary that attempts to explain how the conflict/war in Ukraine may redefine future conflicts. Experts have primarily noticed the sheer destruction caused by Russian forces. What will it cost to rebuild Ukraine? How long will it take to rebuild Ukraine?
21:54 — The follow-up episode Hubert Seipel on Vladimir Putin & Geopolitics - Jung & Naiv: Episode 246 is from December 11, 2015 and I somehow didn’t even notice it. Only after looking at the date did I realize that. The part about Ukraine fits so well into today’s time period. Crazy. Definitely a recommendation.
13:09 — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released a video with an address by Volodymyr Zelensky in memory of the end of World War II. This year we say “Never Again” differently. We hear “Never again” differently. It sounds painful, cruel. Without exclamation marks, with question marks. MFA of Ukraine Twitter