22:22 — Today’s date is quite special in itself. One like this won’t come up again soon in the near future. Some might have used this special date to get married, celebrate something special, or simply finish a Challenge. To at least be able to participate a little bit, I’ve set this here to 22:22. :-)
11:23 — At some heads of state, it has not yet arrived that the European Commission has a President. A red sash won’t help in this case either.
10:43 — The next big thing in browser tracking: Browser Fingerprinting: PCs, Smartphones & Co. can be tracked through the GPU
09:29 — Filled up. One liter of E5 (Super) now costs 2,229 Euros here in the city! Once I fill up the Octavia it’ll cost me even more than 100 Euros this time. Lucky that I only have to fill up once a month."
11:47 — The NYT bought Wordle (https://www.theverge.com/2022/1/31/22911274/wordle-new-york-times-free-word-game-acquisition). The game which keeps popping up in my timeline lately. I even tried it once, but I didn’t really get into it. What did make me smile though is the name of the developer - Wordle by Wardle. Lovely :-)