
19:34 — (5 Hours) Best Liquid Drum and Bass mix [Study / Chill DnB]

14:09 — Facebook was voted the worst company of the year. I’m not surprised about that. No wonder with all the scandals and data breaches that the company has committed. Add to that unkept promises (WhatsApp, etc.), inaction against hate speech and harassment and failure on Instagram despite knowing its dangers for children. Source: TechSpot


17:41 — The Alex again. Simply great. He has also started the blog advent calendar this year again. But this time it runs a bit differently. This year, Alex posts a link to a blog by one of last year’s participants every day. I’m glad and so are the others.

Alex, if you’re reading this: THANKS!


09:05 — I just noticed that we have full vaccination protection again since Tuesday. That’s good. Now I’m only wondering if I should already book a vaccination appointment? For May 2022?