
23:37 — “It can cloud up at any time, but the picture of a bright blue sky helps make things a bit easier.”


12:09 — “YouTube deletes RT German account permanently”. A one less fake news dispenser.


12:09 — Spotify drains battery dry – cause unknown so far mactechnews – Good that we’ve switched to Deezer a few weeks ago. Not only is Spotify incapable of creating a clever audiobook and audio drama section for years now, they are also simply unable in many other things. I don’t know why we put up with Spotify for so long.

11:57 — Bitterfeld and the polluted legacy of GDR chemistry Why does the government pay for it and not the chemical conglomerate? Probably because it was common to break laws for the good of the state. Found at fefe


19:13 — “I can explain to myself why young people voted for the FDP. Climate and speed limit” Quote from a young woman on WDR television. – The FDP is against the speed limit! I think that’s wrong. And no, the market won’t solve that with electric cars. That’s a misconception and just silly talk."


12:36 — “Almost all COVID restrictions have been lifted in the Netherlands since yesterday. You still need to wear a mask on public transport. Please be considerate and get vaccinated!”

10:45 — China’s Biggest Movie Star Was Erased From the Internet, and the Mystery Is Why wsj — if you’re not nice to the Chinese government, you’ll be put on the black list and your online life will simply be erased.

10:15 — Your overview of the federal election. To the 24 most important campaign issues 100 pro & con perspectives at a glance. Selected from a source pool of more than 700 newspapers, blogs and magazines. - For those still undecided. You can take your time then too. ;-)

10:09 — We would have liked to vote today, but unfortunately our absentee ballot papers have vanished into thin air.


21:37 — “All that we hear is an opinion, not a fact. All that we see is a perspective, not the truth.” - Marcus Aurelius

20:06 — iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 are out. (All) Updates summarized on MacTechNews

15:42 — @OlafScholz and @ABaerbock against @ArminLaschet, that’s how you can summarize the third #Triell. There was no new news - except: Scholz practiced a shoulder-to-shoulder relationship with the Greens. That’s very noteworthy, said Berlin correspondent @PhilippMenn. (https://twitter.com/WDRaktuell/status/1439944013017239552) - Is that my speech.

15:07 — Just unplug for a half hour…

13:31 — How nice is that. So went the last TV duel between Baerbock, Laschet and Scholz – The CDU/CSU must go into opposition. There’s no way around it. Nice that Baerbock and Scholz agree on that. Even if Scholz isn’t the best candidate, he’s still better than Armin Laschet. Please go vote!


23:06 — The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python!

21:51 — “The disastrous voyage of Satoshi, the world’s first cryptocurrency cruise ship” (TheGuardian) - Millionaire Bitcoin buyers purchase a cruise ship to found a new world. A floating crypto-world, no bureaucratic and free. Unfortunately the undertaking of “Ocean Builders” failed. Very entertaining and amusingly written story.

20:13 — “The Public Prosecutor says, I haven’t hacked the CDU.” - Good news for Lilith Wittmann. The public prosecutor has dropped the investigations against the hacker.


23:02 — “It would be really cool if every major editorial team were to send their own child reporter team to every #election campaign from now on.”

22:41 — Rezo Destruction Part 2: Climate Catastrophe (youtube) – a clear call to understanding! And for those who don’t know what it’s about, go watch the first part at RT113


10:28 — The fact that netzpolitik.org is not allowed at the European Police Congress is a shame in itself. What really gets my attention, however, is the handling of the gun on the image of the TAZ report about the police congress. A quote from our instructor: Every gun should always be considered loaded, a gun should never be pointed at something you don’t want to hit and the trigger safety only engages when the sighting device is aimed at the target. - Can it really be that hard? Never place the finger on the trigger when you do not want to shoot!


22:17 — We already knew what to do with Luca.app at RT104 and not much has happened since then. It costs a lot of money and brings nothing! The developer is the only one who benefited and collected millions of data points. I can no longer attribute good intentions to them. How “fail” Luca.app is, you can read on the page The Timeline to the Luca App.


14:37 — The painter master who wants to educate the children from the land of poets and thinkers into thinkers and poets by force already fails at thinking in terms of poetry… #Chrupalla #AfD #NoAfD - Ha ha, what a failure?


12:04 — The Fediverse: Social Media free from the shackles of commercial interests (kuketz-blog.de) – A great introduction to the Fediverse. What it is, how to get there and why it’s a nicer social media alternative to Facebook, Twitter, etc.*


22:34 — Reading tip for those of you who want to know why collecting #Metadata on messengers like #WhatsApp is highly problematic: https://netzpolitik.org/2021/metadaten-wo-das-eigentliche-privacy-problem-von-whatsapp-liegt/ (Source: CryptGoat)

21:58 — In short when reporting texts on WhatsApp they are checked and readable in plain text by Facebook.

20:44 — There is a continuation of the science fiction saga with Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss. After all these years, we can dive into the Matrix again. The beginning of the trailer is a bit strange, but then it goes well again. We like that ;-). More information about the movie can be found on kino.de.

09:58 — How to get the most out of all programming courses? 1. Watch the entire course and take notes / 2. Go over the notes you took / 3. Go through the course once again and code along / 4. Build a project after each chapter/section / 5. Build the projects from the end / - Do you apply these?


22:16 — Apple Event September 14, 2021 - 7 PM I’m looking forward to it!

20:00 — “Typical trick package CDU: You vote for measure and middle and get measurements and less middle. #Bundestag” Great!

19:46 — “BKA buys ‘Pegasus’. BKA should not have informed Seehofer. Seehofer himself says he knew nothing.” – “Yes no, is clear colleague! That’s just all lame excuses. They probably still think they can fool the citizens?”


22:18 — “If oppression is invisible to you, it is because you are on the side of the oppressor.” -stays true! As long as it doesn’t concern yourself, one easily becomes “blind due to routine”.

09:33 — In iOS 15, Safari gets a facelift. The address bar and also the tabs have moved to the bottom edge. Good that the community was a little “excited”, so Apple added new options in the settings (macrumors), to completely reverse the design of Safari on iOS 15.


22:28 — The more people get vaccinated now, the fewer will fall severely ill with Covid-19 and the more freedoms we could allow ourselves in autumn. (quarks) – true words. For although those who have been vaccinated can still catch and spread it, the course of the disease is less severe as a result and therefore fewer people end up in hospital. Go get vaccinated!

22:22 — “AgileBits has announced that the next version of 1Password will be released as an Electron app. Electron apps are storage hungry and slow. I see this again with VSCode (or Codium) even when no extensions are loaded. There’s a good comment here at numericcitizen. Glad I’ve been away from it for a long time and use Bitwarden. Self-hosted, of course :-)”


12:59 — The local CSAM scan does not come with iOS15 (mactechnews.de) – Apple has now seen that the intended solution was not the right one. Okay, they need to come up with something else.


11:08 — “It’s all the same to me what the other parties are doing, the CDU/CSU and FDP are simply not electable! Wealthy individuals should participate more in the common good. See Graph

10:04 — “It’s not your fault that the world is as it is. It would only be your fault if it stays that way.” The Ärzte (Nur der K status on Twitter)


18:54 — Today in the Python course learned: “Eval is nitroglycerin, and you should avoid it at all costs!” (R. Lerner). Further, one also says: “Eval is 75% evil.”