
19:07 — A crossmedia data experiment impressively makes it possible to experience the insights Google, Facebook & Co have into our most intimate secrets. Made to Measure: A digital investigation – must see!


20:04 — “Add one more to watch: Jordan Klepper Debates Anti-Vax Mandate Protesters in NYC | The Daily Show youtube –Laughing and shaking head a lot again.”

19:55 — “Jordan Klepper vs. Trump Supporters: The Complete Collection | The Daily Social Distancing Show (youtube) - I laughed so hard!”


11:37 — One must let Steam be, the request in the cookie banner is very polite: “Do you mind if we use optional cookies to provide you personalized content and to analyze site traffic (including Google Analytics)?”. Furthermore, the banner is exemplarily designed. There are “Accept all” and “Decline all” buttons. Many other websites could learn from this.


22:12 — How could The Mirror [1] only defy the headline title “Doctors recommend vaccination”?

11:45 — I enjoyed Horizon: Zero Dawn very much. Nice gameplay mechanics, a great main character and an incredibly impressive game world. Part 2 Horizon Forbidden West (heise.de) has been announced. However, this is now being pushed to February 2022 and it remains unclear if the game will also be released for PC. Let’s hope Sony doesn’t forget about PC players.

11:40 — Battling Child Abuse: Apple Scans iCloud Mail Since 2019 My trust in Apple is being put to a tough test right now.

11:07 — I watched the Incompetence Video by Rezo. Some of it I already knew, for example the part about Nestle. I also knew about the upload filters (RT 15), but I hadn’t thought it was that bad. But what can you expect from the CDU anyway? (RT140)

10:37 — Overheard in a Matrix chat on a German server: Because in the Matrix universe we are all very inclusive. We don’t only include people who don’t speak German, but also those who don’t understand English.


21:55 — Sometimes you just can’t help yourself and convenience wins out. Having used WordPress as a journaling platform for some time now, I’ve grown to love it again. I appreciate the comfort of being able to quickly add an entry from any device.


19:21 — “F like Frankfurt - Proposal for new alphabet table with city names” (din.de) – Language is changing and using city names now is still better than swapping a few male names for female ones. I’ll just stick with the NATO alphabet, it works at least everywhere."

19:11 — The fourth wave is coming. No district has an incidence rate of under 35. #Corona

13:28 — “Dubai Is A Parody Of The 21st Century” - “The moral of the story is: smooth brain dictator plus construction equals dumb shit!”

13:27 — Enno Lenze has created a very long thread on Twitter, which currently bundles the best summary of events in #Afghanistan. Worth scrolling up to read.

13:26 — heise writes: “Afghanistan: Taliban accuse Facebook of stifling free speech” - I don’t know whether to laugh or cry right now?


07:55 — Apple Seeds New Public Beta of macOS Monterey – I’m most looking forward to Shortcuts coming from iOS to macOS. But also the new Privacy Features in Apple Mail.app. There is also a roundup with all Features of macOS Monterey available at macrumors.com.

07:45 — What’s is the difference between single quotes and double quotes? Double quotes use twice as much electricity as single one! - ba dam ta!


14:02 — Saltwater solution instead of BioNTech? Thousands of Lower Saxons are to be vaccinated again spiegel.de – You can only shake your head at that. Nice things don’t come to mind when it comes down to it.


23:53 — Elementary OS 6 Odin is finally out! I’ve already installed it - it will go live tomorrow for testing. The background image is quite nice, though.


20:28 — “The Tagesschau writes: ‘Climate change in the Netherlands - The sea is no bathtub’” – that’s right. If things go on like this, Holland will be in real trouble soon!”

13:37 — “Communication on the net is a learning curve and we’re not quite at the top of the upswing yet."

13:36 — Turkey: no fire-fighting planes, no opposition, no democratic control mechanisms anymore. That’s the way to build an autocratic state. - I feel sorry for the people who have to suffer under a despot from the Bosphorus. In Greece things don’t look much better either. dw.com

13:35 — A thank you to my former English teachers who had so much patience with me back then. Also to my tutor, who didn’t give up on me. Who would have ever thought that I nowadays communicate more in English than in German.


14:31 — Not one more time Tagesschau.de: Death fears, desperate parents and a destroyed home. Children and adolescents are struggling particularly with the consequences of the flood disaster. They are supported by psychologists who demand a special trauma center. - That’s right and important. But I’m asking myself right now, who is helping the helpers and caregivers?


14:51 — Zach Testa / @zachtesta / Landscape photographer based in the US / https://nomadict.org/zach-testa-zachtesta-landscape-photographer-based-in-the-us/ – Awesome Pictures.


16:00 — “Heise.de writes: Telegram now allows up to 1000 viewers for video calls - Video calls can now be accepted by up to 1000 people on Telegram. Video messages can be played faster or slower. – Finally, drop the veil on Telegram because you have been banned from Twitch.tv. (Matrix / Messenger (German) / SilentStalker)”