15:58 — Just like that… because the neighbour is playing really loud music at his not entirely legal garden party, so loud I can’t even hear myself think in my own garden. Direct Link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=NczvkZd7wf8
14:15 — Why should I buy an app for 2 or 3 euros, or put my mouse on a loud fan or hang it on the ventilator, if there is a much simpler and more comfortable solution: Either take the tablet or smartphone and place the mouse on it as needed. Don’t forget the power cord!
17:11 — Today the barbershops in the Netherlands reopened again. My wife was the first customer this morning and I was the last one this evening. The woman looks good again and I finally got a decent and intelligent haircut again. Still short, but no longer so crooked and wavy as before. #Corona