11:23 — In Ibaraki flies the last Phantom squadron of Japan until the end of 2020. From 2021, the Phantoms of the 301st Tactical Fighter Squadron will be replaced by other ground-rotation accelerators. After that only the Greeks and Iranians will fly the flying oil furnace.
11:07 — My warmest congratulations to Christian Drosten, Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim and the 14 other recipients of the Federal Cross of Merit. Link -> Tagesschau.de - A very good decision in my opinion. Drosten and Nguyen-Kim have made a significant contribution to enlightening us during COVID-19 times. Thank you for that!
11:07 — In a rather amusing way, someone describes in great detail how they found the passport number of Tony Abbott, the former Prime Minister of Australia, by using an airline ticket number. Link –> mango.pdf.zone
09:52 — Victoria Schwarz writes: A pandemic, a chef calling for the overthrow of the satanistic government and esoteric housewives marching alongside Nazis because they don’t want to wear masks in the supermarket. If that were just a movie, it would be the most unbelievable, ridiculous plot of all time. - Too bad it’s not just a movie.