Mount for Ubiquiti U6+

I took the opportunity over the weekend to combine two great designs and create something for my own use. As I don’t want to drill holes in the ceiling or in wood, as we only rent this place, I had to come up with something else
I don’t want my new U6+ access points hanging on the cable down the ceiling. It doesn’t look great, and I don’t want the cable to break. I was looking around on 3D printer websites and found a Wall Mount for UbiquitiU6+.
This was ideal, as I could add a small hook to it to hang it over the wooden board instead of attaching it directly to the board. I adapted the wall mount from the ‘Mount an Ubiquiti U6 Lite AP to a pillar’ model, which had all the other parts I needed to print.
After some tinkering in Tinkercad, I came up with this solution:
Putting it into the slicer with some support, the print should be fine:
And yes, it came out nicely. All that was left to do, was to print the three other parts from the original model; the screw and access point holder.
I printed everything in light gray plastic instead of white, as I still had some light gray that I had lying around. It came out nicely and looks good. Needed some sanding here and there, especially the screwing part of the holder, but the rest was an almost perfect tight fit.
And this is how it looks:

P.S.: The small yellow piece is a security bolt designed to prevent accidental rotation of the access point, which could cause it to fall.