Apple isn't selling AI, Apple is selling iPhones

Apple is methodically integrating AI into its ecosystem, focusing on secure, seamless, and long-term innovation across personal and work life.

Cover image  Apple isn't selling AI, Apple is selling iPhones

Apple is doing very well with AI, even though Siri has not been great for a long time. Recently, Siri has gotten much better because it now uses ChatGPT. Unfortunatelly I was not able using this feature since the beta version started. I heard from a friend of mine, that his favorite new feature on the latest iPhones is holding down the camera button to have ChatGPT tell him what it sees on the picture he just took.

Basically, Apple is creating something called LifeOS (regarding this guy here), a complete operating system they have been working on for about 15 years. The system includes adding AI smoothly into every part of our personal and work lives. Apple is doing this carefully, step by step, and quietly—just the way they always do.

At first, friends told me that Apple is slow of building the iPhone ecosystem. But in the end, Apple set the standard for the industry, and now other companies copy their success. Apple is using the same method for their AI. They are slowly putting together the important parts of a person’s life into the iPhone and the larger Apple system. All of this is kept safe in their strong secure areas (secure enclave) and cloud systems. This makes sure that their AI can use all the information safely and completely.

Apple’s main strength is how well they connect different parts into one system. This complete way of working helps them use AI better than any other company because they are great at seeing and improving everything as one unit.

Remember this when you hear friends or people say that Apple is behind in AI. Also, when people are surprised by Apple’s new AI improvements in the next few years, know that it wasn’t sudden. It has been planned for a long time. Apple’s way is to make steady and quiet progress, not sudden changes.